You can record and send audio messages, along with transcripts of what’s said in the message. Audio messages are automatically deleted to save space on your iPad, but if you want to save them, you can.
Note: Audio message transcription available in select languages. See the to pause or end your recording, then do any of the following to your message:
Send it: Tap .
Tap Keep to save an incoming or outgoing audio message on your iPad.
Otherwise, the recording is deleted from the conversation—on your iPad only—2 minutes after you send or listen to it. Recipients can play your recording any time after they receive it. To save it, they need to tap Keep within 2 minutes after listening to it.
Tip: Send follow-up audio messages more quickly by tapping on your iPad.
Open a conversation with an audio message, then tap , touch and hold the audio message, then tap Save to Voice Memos.
When you receive an audio message, you can move your iPad to play and reply to the message. Do either of the following:
Play an audio message: Raise your iPad to your ear.
Reply to an audio message: Lower your iPad and raise it to your ear again, then speak after you hear a tone. Tap Make a recording in Voice Memos on iPadDictate text on iPad