In sudoku puzzles, you place the numbers 1 to 9 into squares in a grid consisting of nine blocks with nine squares each, so that every number appears exactly once in each block, row, and column. Each sudoku grid comes with a few givens—squares already filled in.
Apple News+ offers subscribers new sudoku puzzles every day in three difficulties: easy, moderate, and challenging. Easy puzzles include more givens, while challenging puzzles require more complex strategies to narrow down options for each empty square.
Note: Sudoku is available on devices with iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, macOS 15.2, or later. Apple News, Apple News+, and puzzles aren’t available in all countries or regions. See the to undo.
Continue entering numbers until every square is filled correctly.
Tip: Turn on Autocheck to indicate when you successfully complete a block, row, or column.
You can keep track of which numbers might work in each square by using notes within the puzzle.
Go to the News app , then tap Autofill Notes. Notes representing possible numbers appear in empty squares, based on all filled squares at that moment—givens and your answers (even if incorrect). You can still add and delete notes manually. Using Autofill doesn’t affect stats or streaks.
Play with or without notes: Tap , tap Settings, then turn on Show Conflicts. When you enter a number that already appears in a block, row, or column, the squares’ bottom-right corners are marked with red triangles.
Mark incorrect answers as you enter them: Tap , then tap Check Square or Check Puzzle. A red slash indicates incorrect answers. Checking a square or puzzle doesn’t affect stats or streaks.
Identify a solvable square: Tap , then tap How to Play.
If you’d like a fresh start, you can clear a puzzle’s answers and reset the timer.
Go to the News app .
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