Apple News+ subscribers can access daily and archived crossword, crossword mini, Quartiles, and sudoku puzzles. Some puzzles may be available without a subscription.
Note: Apple News, Apple News+, and puzzles aren’t available in all countries or regions. See the in the tab bar.)
Tap Today in the sidebar or tab bar, scroll down, then tap the Puzzles group.
Go to the News app Offline Mode.
Go to the News app signed in to the same Apple Account. Go to Settings sign in to your Apple Account.
Go to Settings > Apps > News.
Turn on Game Center.
Your score for the daily puzzle is submitted to the leaderboard for that puzzle type in Game Center. Sudoku has a leaderboard for each difficulty level.
Your score for crossword, crossword mini, and sudoku puzzles is the time it took you to solve the puzzle. For Quartiles, your score is the number of points you earned.
Go to the News app . You can sort archives from newest to oldest or oldest to newest. You can filter the crossword and sudoku archives by completeness and difficulty level. You can filter the crossword mini archive by completeness only.
Go to the News app on your iPad.
In the Today feed, swipe up to Puzzles, then tap Solve Quartiles puzzles in News on iPadHow to subscribe to individual channels in News on iPad