On iPad, you can work with multiple apps at the same time. Open two different apps, or two windows from the same app, by splitting the screen into resizable views. For example, open Messages and Maps at the same time in Split View. You can also open a third app in a smaller Slide Over window that slides in front of an app that’s already open.
To work in Split View and Slide Over, you need to have these features turned on in Settings.
Go to Settings to have the current app appear on the left side of the screen, or (the three dots at the top of the app).
The app you want to replace drops down, and the other app moves to the side to reveal your Home Screen and Dock.
Find the replacement app on your Home Screen or in the Dock, then tap it.
The two apps appear side by side in Split View.
Tip: To get more screen space to work in (on Open two apps in Split View.
Tap supported models, you can use Split View and Slide Over simultaneously.
When you have two apps or windows open in Split View, you can remove one of them and show the other in full screen. Do one of the following:
Drag the center divider to the left or right edge of the screen.
Tap View an app’s open windows and workspaces