In the Notes app, you can send a copy of a note to a friend. You can also invite people to collaborate in real time on a note or on a folder of notes in iCloud, and everyone will see the latest changes.
To change the access and permissions, tap "Only invited people can edit,” then set any of the following:
Who can access: Choose Only invited people or Anyone with the link.
Permissions: Choose Can make changes or View only.
Allow other to invite: Turn on to allow participants to invite new people (available only when they have permission to make changes).
Choose Messages or Mail to send your invitation. (AirDrop isn’t supported for collaboration.)
If you send the invitation in Messages, you , then choose any of the following:
Show Updates: Shows changes made since you last opened the note.
Show All Activity: Shows all activity in the note.
Show Highlights: Shows names, dates, and changes made by each participant.
Tip: To mention a participant and notify them of important updates, type an @ sign followed by their name.
Go to the Notes app , then tap Manage Shared Folder.
Do any of the following:
Remove participants: Tap the participant you want to remove, then tap Remove Access.
Change access and permission settings: To change the settings for all participants, tap Share Options. To change the settings for one person, tap their name.
Stop sharing: When you choose this option, the shared note or folder is deleted from the devices of the other participants.